Digital Portfolio

McLean Virginia

2010 - 2020

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Project HUB

Application Purpose:

In response to today's ever-evolving technology and the demands of a growing development pipeline, I created a new web based design submittal platform. This new application increases timing accuracy, improves communication, streamlines the workflow and reduces team member design review time. The system also gives franchise owners visibility into the status of their architectural, design and construction submittals being uploaded to Hilton on their behalf.

The Project HUB application targets two main groups of users – Contributors and Administrators.

  • Contributors are those 3rd party consultants that will be submitting items to Hilton for review. They include designers, architects, engineers, owners, general managers, etc.

  • Administrators are Hilton employees that have a need to review and/or approve the submissions made by Contributors. Some of these roles include Project Managers and Directors, Design team members, Engineering, etc.

No Training Required / Flexible / Mobile User Capable / Global Adoption

0ver 5,000 active projects, 20,000 active contributors, over 200,000 uploaded submittals, since the launch in March 2019 to July 2020. Saving millions of dollars in shipping, printing and paper”

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Supplier’s Connection

Application Purpose:

This innovative, revenue helps owners and their consultants in the selection of Hilton Worldwide supply partners (global), when developing their property according to the applicable brand standards. Additionally, the program matches partners/vendors with projects (New Builds, Conversions and Renovations) that are in need of their products or services. This site has ultimately been developed to assist with early solution, resolution and decision making that will help enforce brand standards and reduce the time necessary for product reviews.

The participating partners include Architects, Designers, Engineers, Consultants, Building materials, Finishes, MEP solutions, furniture, fixtures, etc. This allowed Hilton to contract directly with each partner and help drive better pricing for the Owners. The partner maintains there information on the site and submits potential product for review and approval directly through the program. This also allows Hilton to review their success and any discrepancies as reported by the Owners and users of the system. The program is fee based and the ROI was less than 2 years.

Additional features, beyond browsing partners, the site allow users to view both internal and external events that are being attended by Hilton personnel, schedule meetings, contact the appropriate people within the Architecture, Design and Construction department, link to all design information based on Brand. Region, Hotel Type, initiate purchasing options via Hilton Supply Management and find continuing educations units that are supported by the various partners participating on the site.

No Training Required / Flexible / Mobile User Capable

Making us easier to do business with.”


Hilton Brand Standards Database

Application Purpose:

The motivation of creating this new solution was to provide a singular global platform that will allow all 17 different Hilton brand standards to be published, maintained and distributed.


new platform for Brand Standards allows Hilton to harmonize the standards numbering system, develop clear brand guardrails, establish the core brand attributes, develop common language for each standard, go to a performance based narrative and ensure the information can be easily managed and published in multiple languages. The program was written with API functionality so that it can communicate with other systems related to operations, quality assurance property improvement planners and vendor relations programs. This system was complete in 2016 and considered a best in class solution within the IT and Standards industry.

In concert with this publication we also deployed the Brand Standards Administration dashboard. This dashboard introduces a multitude of benefits including brand creation functionality and the ability to process real-time edits. Additionally, enhancements were implemented on the public facing system:

  • Standards News - This module is used to launch new/revised content in between major publication cycles.

  • Compliance Dates - This allow the brands to issue or delete key brand attributes or features and link the standards to a specific date for implementation. Each property is tied to the standard and automatically notified in advance to ensure proper budgeting and remediation.

  • Interface with Property Information Management (PIM) so that hotels, resorts and residences will now see standards specific to their sub-brand.

  • Resource - This link allows the user to access a document repository, while browsing the standards, that houses brochures, order forms and guides directly on the application.

  • PDF Format Tool - Allows the Administrative team to optimized PDF manual designs and formatting and publication requirements.

  • Developed API framework that will allow the future Brand Operations Support Systems (BOSS) access to consume Standards information.

No Training Required / Flexible / Mobile User Capable

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Hilton Design Information

Application Purpose: The

Design Information site was developed to provide access to all necessary Architecture, Design, Construction and Operational documents to help Owners produce approvable design submittals when building a new hotel, converting brands or renovating an existing property. These documents (prototypes, standards, design guides, exterior signage specifications, FF&E specifications, and other supporting information) enable a better understanding of the brand requirements and necessary elements within the Hilton Worldwide portfolio.

The landing page was developed to filter the user down by Region and Brand, allowing the site to display only information that is tailored to this initial criteria. This also allowed the brands to create specific nuances for various global markets and regional customs.

No Training Required / Flexible / Mobile User Capable

“Find all the information you need to design a Hilton brand in a specific market.”


Business Operations Support System BOSS

This program was a collaborative effort between Architecture, Design & Construction Department and the Brand Performance team.

All BOSS systems lead to a common point for every property and development. This site contains the functionality for the Quality Assurance (QA) Improvement Planner which integrates with other systems to create a centralized all-inclusive Property Operations Dashboard with different views based on property level, property management, Brand or Corporate level users.

BOSS serves as the central hub for Quality Assurance, PIP Online, Brand Standards, Waivers, Design approvals, Budget assumption and Capex Acknowledgements. Properties log into a single source of the truth system to gain information on coming changes through Standards or Budget Assumptions; manage Brand required actions; request services from sales and marketing; or access tracking and analytics capabilities.

This program was created on a common ecosystem built in SalesForce and is accessible by all 6000+/- properties, management companies, owners and Hilton team members around the world. members around the world.

“ Having a clear picture of the Hotel portfolio helps accelerate improvements and openings.”


Area Programmer

The Area Programmer tool (AP) is located within Hiltons Architecture & Construction Resource Library (ACRL), an internal repository for internal use only. This interactive tool promotes accuracy in representation of global standards in a single, consistent format. The information generated by the AP comes from A&C, Operations, Brand, Fitness, Spa, etc. to insure clearest representation possible of all departments.

The tool incorporates specifics questions or inputs that account for variations in Region, site location, key count, meeting space, level of security, etc. which aid in feasibility studies and predicting the overall square footage/square meters of any hotel property in the world.

Hilton internal Users and Owners can utilize a consistent program that reflects intuitive relationships between the Brand, Region, Site Conditions, Code Constraints and quickly ascertain feasibility of a particular solution. The program has greatly reduced time spent designing a potential solution and then measuring area, validating real estate land representations, and defining which brand is actually the best fit for the specific scenario.

Users can utilize this tool for two primary purposes:

  • To run area scenarios for a potential project to help determine feasibility

  • To make changes to the calculations of existing approved projects to meet project needs

“ The Area Programmer Tool not only provides reliable area calculations, it also provides a very detailed space program for directing the overall design team. “